Delivering the Nature Restoration Law for rural stakeholders and biodiversity

27 September 2022, 16:30– 18:00 CET [Online event]

The conference discussed opportunities and challenges for the ambitious EC proposal on binding restoration targets. The proposal, unveiled on 22 June 2022, aims at putting in place time-bound obligations for ecosystem restoration together with an overarching EU target. The aim is to cover at least 20% of the EU’s land and sea areas by 2030 with nature restoration measures, and eventually extend these to all ecosystems in need of restoration by 2050.

Hosted by
MEP Álvaro Amaro, President of the Intergroup

Introductory remarks
MEP Maria Noichl, AGRI Committee Member
MEP Christine Schneider, ENVI Committee Member
MEP Alexandr Vondra, ENVI Committee Member

Keynote speech
Mr. Stefan Leiner
Head of the Natural Capital and Ecosystem Health Unit, European Commission

Heidi Kruger
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland

Annegret Larsen
Soil Geography and Landscape Research
Wageningen University & EGU Biodiversity Task Force

Ariel Brunner
Deputy Director and Head of Policy, BirdLife Europe and Central Asia

Max Freiherr Von Elverfeldt
President Familienbetriebe Land und Forst

Jurgen Tack (Moderator)
ELO Scientific Director


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