Event on the Co-existence of livestock farming and large carnivores in Europe

05 July 2023, 09:00– 10:30 CET | Online event

Large carnivore conservation is a complex topic involving diverse stakeholders. Conflicts surrounding these animals vary across the EU, influenced by socio-economic activities and natural conditions in different regions. From livestock predation to concerns about rural areas and traditional farming, a range of challenges exist.

Are you interested in finding solutions to conflicts arising from large carnivores in Europe’s rural areas?

This event, jointly organized by the NAT and ENVE commissions of the European Committee of the Regions, along with the Intergroup on Biodiversity, Hunting, Countryside of the European Parliament, will explore proposals and exchange best practices for fostering coexistence between livestock farming and large carnivores in Europe.

Our event aims to strike a balance between protecting EU animal species under the Habitats Directive and finding potential solutions for conflicts related to large carnivores at national, regional, and local levels. Together, we can foster improved coexistence between livestock farming and large carnivores in Europe.


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European Federation for Hunting and Conservation

Avenue de la Joyeuse Entrée, 1-5, 1040 Brussels, Belgium

+32 (0)2 416 16 12


European Landowners’ Organization

67 rue de Trèves, B-1040 Brussels, Belgium

+32 (0)2 234 30 00

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